Shrek Forever After (2010) мультфильм на английском
- 23.05.2010
- Сообщение от: Елена Амерханова
- Категория: Английский онлайн Знаменитости

You don’t have to be a second coming of Albert Einstein to figure out how it will all end, but that doesn’t stop Shrek Forever After from having a tremendous amount of heart.
Adam Tobias, Watertown Daily Times
С 20 мая 2010 года “Шрек 4” вышел в кинопрокат в России.
Мультфильм предназначен для показа в 3D кинотеатрах.
В очередной раз говорится, что это последняя часть мультфильма о зеленом огре.
Познакомиться с мнениями американских журналистов и актеров о мультфильме “Shrek Forever After” можно на сайте: rottentomatoes.com.
Мы не будем рассказывать Вам сюжет, так как цель нашего поста иная — мы предлагаем Вам посмотреть видео ролик о Шреке на английском с актерами, которые озвучивали персонажей, чтобы потренировать аудирование (понимание английской речи на слух).
Сначала посмотрите видео, не заглядывая в упражнения.
Listen to the video several times. Try to understand the main context of it.
- Cameron Diaz says that there will be Shrek 5 in future.
- Mike Myers tells that Shrek has done everything he has wanted to do, he has a beautiful wife and children but nevertheless he misses the old days.
- Shrek made a deal with Rumpelstiltskin to regain his glory days.
- He was catapulted into an alternative reality where nobody seems to know him.
- Antonio Banderas says that they work very hard and it’s a rather tiresome job.
- Donkey is Eddie Murhy’s favourite character in the movie.
- Brogan is another ogre who is litte-brother type.
- Cookie is in charge of feeding the ogre army.
- Mike Myers has loved doing Shrek and he adores all the characters.
- Cameron Diaz says that people all over the world should be proud of Shrek.
- False
- True
- True
- True
- False
- False
- False
- True
- True
- False
Ex. 2 Listen to the video once again and match the words with a person or character who said it.
1. There’s nothing missing in this movie. | A. Eddie Murphy |
2. I’ve never seen you before in my life. | B. Puss in Boots |
3. Magical transactions are my specialty. | C. Cameron Diaz |
4. And all the cream I eat and all the mice I can chase… | D. Shrek |
5. I am so happy I’ve found you! | E. Rumpelstiltskin |
6. I heard his name and I was like…Who the hell was that?! | F. Donkey |
7. More brawns and brains and it fits all right on me | G. Jon Hamm |
- C
- F
- E
- B
- D
- A
- G
Автор: Elena
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