Killers (2010) фильм на английском, интервью с актерами
- 03.06.2010
- Сообщение от: Елена Амерханова
- Категория: Английский онлайн Разговорный английский

Сегодня, 3 июня 2010, мировая премьера фильма Роберта Лукетича “Киллеры”. Российская премьера состоится 10 июня.
Жанр: боевик, триллер и комедия.
В главных ролях: Эштон Катчер и Кетрин Хейгл.
Журнал Time признал Эштона Катчера одним из самых влиятельных людей мира. За Twitter-ом Эштона следят больше 5 миллионов человек.
Кетрин Хейгл многократно появлялась в списках самых привлекательных женщин мира в журналах Stuff, Maxim и FHM. А в 2008 она заняла первое место по результатам опроса сайта Askmen.com.
Сначала посмотрите видео, не заглядывая в упражнения.
Затем попытайтесь услышать пропущенные слова в упражнении.
И лишь в самом конце сверьте свои ответы со Script (подстрочником).
- You _____my wife and me on the ______ floor and my daughter on the ____ when I specifically ___________ _________ rooms. She’s a _______ woman all alone
- Oh
- ________ single. Not always ________.
- Bonjour! I am Spencer, __________.
- Jennifer. ______ Jenny. No, it’s Jen. It’s ____ Jen.
- Do you want to get________with me tonight?
- Yeah.
- Great!
- I need to ______ you Nice…
- Promise you’re gonna tell me your _______________.
- _______ me. It’s boring.
- If I may to see whose Jenny is so attracted?
- Did _____ promise to be _____ to him?
- hmm…Not so many _______.
- Honey, I’m so ______
- Are we gonna return to play ___________ tonight or what?
- I’ve got dinner with Jen
- Surprise! I am _____. Stop ________him! Who do you work for?
- Let’s _____ say that I ______the bla-bla-bla and they gave a _____ to bla. Your legs.
- Oh, no. You are not getting off that
- Spread them!
- Ok. Oh my God! Oh my god! Stop it! It’s not…it’s not _____. Even, oh, God!
- It gonna be all day.
- Wow. It looked really good
- __________! Sweety, your gun is ___
- Well. Where do you ________ me to ____it? Seeing the _____ of this thing.[/accordion][accordion title=’Script’]
- You have my wife and me on the second floor and my daughter on the third when I specifically booked adjacent rooms. She’s a single woman all alone
- Oh
- Recently single. Not always alone.
- Bonjour! I am Spencer, by the way.
- Jennifer. Sometimes Jenny. No, it’s Jen. It’s just Jen.
- Do you want to get a drink with me tonight?
- Yeah.
- Great!
- I need to show you Nice…
- Promise you’re going to tell me your whole life story.
- Trust me. It’s boring.
- If I may to see whose Jenny is so attracted?
- Did daddy promise to be nice to him?
- hmm…Not so many words.
- Honey, I’m so lucky
- Are we gonna to play basketball tonight or what?
- I’ve got dinner with Jen
- Surprise! I am back. Stop hurting him. Who do you work for?
- Let’s just say that I work for the bla-bla-bla and they gave a license to bla. Your legs.
- Oh, no. You are not getting off that
- Spread them!
- Ok. Oh my God! Oh my god! Stop it! It’s not…it’s not shooting. Even, oh, God!
- It gonna be all day.
- Wow. It looked really good
- Bravo! Sweety, your gun is showing
- Well. Where do you expect me to put it? Seeing the size of this thing.
Интервью с Кетрин Хейгл:
Listen to the interview several times. Try to understand the main context of the interview.
[accordion title=’Ex.2. Are the following statements True or False?’]- Katherine likes her character because she is a kicky, computer-science techno girl.
- Jenny’s caught her last boyfriend cheating on her wirh her friend.
- Jennifer’s parents don’t want het to date with anyone that’s why they go on this European trip with her.
- Jennifer meets her classmate in Nice and falls in love with him.
- Katherine Heigl has been doing a lot of romantic comedies and she taught Ashton how to be funny
- Katherine Heigl was so glad to get to know Tom Selleck as a person.
- The audience will enjoy this film because it’s funny and it has a slightly realistic look at marriage
- True
- True
- False
- False
- False (she didn’t teach him anything – Ashton has played in comdeies before as well)
- True
- True
Интервью с Эштоном Катчером:
- Ashton’s character (Spencer) is wheeling and dealing the ladies at the beginnnig of the film.
- All Spencer’s relationships were superficial, except for with his boss.
- He was going to quit his job when he met Jennifer.
- Katherine has a child-like sense of innosence mixxed with sense of insecurity
- Jennifer is like a child and she doesn’t understand what is going on.
- Ashton grew up around guns.
- This film offers a little bit of everything. There’s sort of every array of the movies that many people like to go see and at the heart of it is the relationship.
- True
- True
- False (he was going to kill someone)
- True
- False
- True
- True
Автор: Elena
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