About Myself — О себе на английском (видео уроки)
- 29.10.2010
- Сообщение от: Елена Амерханова
- Категория: Полезности

Мы ошибаемся только дважды: когда оцениваем себя и когда оцениваем других.
Леонид Балцан.
На международных экзаменах часто просят рассказать о себе, в жизни вам тоже не раз придется рассказывать о себе на английском при общении с носителями языка, а также слушать их рассказы.
На сайте youtube была очень популярна волна серий видеозаписей (5 Random Things tag) реальных людей, рассказывающих о себе несколько случайных фактов. Просмотрев несколько десятков, мы отобрали самые интересные на наш взгляд и подготовили ряд упражнений по ним специально для читателей нашего блога и учеников курса General English.
Эта статья и видео уроки помогут вам:
- пополнить словарный запас на тему рассказа о себе, а также разговорными выражениями американского английского
- тренировать навыки понимания английской речи на слух
- составить свой собственный рассказ о себе на английском.
- be born and bred – родиться и быть воспитанным
- be married – быть женатым/замужем
- a stay-at-home mom – не работающая мама
- have zero time for yourself – не иметь времени для себя
- my hair is naturally very curly – мои волосы от природы кудрявые
- to have a sweet tooth – быть сладкоежкой
- have allergy to smth/ to be allergic to smth – иметь аллергию на что-либо
- divorced — разведенный
- be obsessed with – быть без ума от чего-либо
- love reading and collecting books – любить читать и коллекционировать книги
- love making things with my own hands – любить делать что-то руками
- I am kind of like my mom in … — я почти как мама в том, что…
- I get into one thing and I really get obsessed with doing it – я заинтересовываюсь чем-либо и по-настоящему увлекаюсь этим
- smth else peaks my interest — что-то другое заинтересовывает меня
- be very habitual – быть очень пристрастившимся
- be terrified, be scared — бояться
- to procrastinate – откладывать на потом
- rational person — рациональный
- a nerd — ботаник
- reserved – сдержанный,
- kind of calm – типа спокойный
- even-tempered — уравновешенный
- I-like-to-be-alone type person – человек, который любит быть один
sardun1 – Sarah, ведущая канал обзора косметики на youtube:
- Where was Sarah born? Does she live in a big city?
- Is she single or married? Does she have any kids?
- What does she do?
- What is she dreaming about?
- What does she think about her hair?
- Does she wear glasses?
- Is she satisfied with her teeth?
- Does she have a sweet tooth?
- She was born in a small town and now she also lives in a town which is bigger, but not a big city.
- She is married and has two sons.
- She is a stay-at-home mom.
- She is dreaming about becoming an interior designer and travelling the world.
- Sarah considers her hair annoying.
- No, she wears contacts.
- No, she is not.
- Yes, she has a sweet tooth.
I am not going to say exactly where I was born and bred because I don’t want to tell the whole world where I am from… I just want to say that I was born in a small town… I am definetly a country girl. I kind of like that – you know, that I was born in a small town. .. I still kind of live in a small town, but it’s definetly a lot bigger.
I am married and I have two precious little boys who are just amazing. I have mam and dad and I have two brothers. So, that’s about my family. My husband – I can’t say what he does, but I am definetley proud of what he does. I think he is a hero in my eyes. My sons… I have 4 monthal baby-boy and my other is 28 months. So, they are 17 months apart.
I am just a mom and a wife and I am a stay-at-home mom. I haven’t got any slack for that. I’ve got one rude person said smth about me, because I am a stay-at-home mom, you know, I am nothing, but I think beign a mom is a very hard job. If any would like to disaree you know – go ahead— but beign at home with the children is not easy and… some people who don’t have kids think that “Oh” you know maybe they look down on it because we stay at home but no – it’s not easy at all. You have zero time for yourself. and you know I am lucky if I get to leave the house once a week.
I am exactly where I want to be. I think maybe someday when my kids go to school I’d like to do smth creative— maybe go to school to be an interior designer or maybe to do smth with make up, but I am definetly where I wanna be. I’d love to travel the world and maybe live somewhere really warm someday, but I am where I wanna be.
My hair is very annoying. It’s naturally very curly. I haven’t coloured my hair for probably 5 or 6 months, so probably from here down is my natural colour, but whenever I do colour it, I colour it very close to my natural colour.
My eyes are green-blue. I actually do wear contacts but they are clear contacts because I can’t see. My contacts are like negative to 50. I don’t think that’s horrible but it’s definetly not good. So, if I don’t have my contacts in I am always squinting and I can’t really see things very well, so… I do have glasses but I can’t find them and they are kind of brocken. So, I stick to my contacts.
I’ve never been ever satisfied with my teeth. I’ve had whitened them and obviously you need to do that again because I had a baby and I couldn’t whiten my teeth when I had a baby. I’ve had my gums lizard and my teeth reshaped, but I am still not happy with them.
I am definetly a sweet tooth. My family used to call me “sweet tooth Sarah” when I was younger. I love coca-cola. Love it. I love skittles
- Where were you born and bred?
- Tell us about your family
- What are you up to now?
- Where do you want to end up?
- Tell us about you hair
- Tell us about your eyes
- Tell us about your teeth
- Are you sweet or savoury?
xeverygirlx – Laura:
I have ______ ____ pretty much everything — like I am _________cats, dogs, horses, ______, _________, ______, dust, birch trees, _______ trees, oak trees… I am pretty much allergic to ________… I really can’t go anywhere without ______.People always ask me why I am _______ because I really have____ allergies. I also have _____ but it’s not an extra fact – it’s kind of _________thing. I have an _____but I don’t use it that often.
About like 2 years ago when I was _______ I was so short and I’ve been short pretty much _______________until like the past two years. So, what happened when I was thirteen I just started __________ a lot and I grew like 7 inches __________ between the time when I was 13 and 14. So basically I was like less than____ feet tall when I was 13 and then now I am 57 and a half. So, that caused a lot of __________for me – I also have like __________on my hips. So, that wasn’t like really great, but I am really glad that I am tall now because people always used to __________ me for __________. So, it’s kind of cool and people are really surprised when they see me if they haven’t seen me__________.
My parents are actually __________and they got __________ like 2 years ago. So, my mom __________. She’s got a new house and it’s __________ and it’s only like 5 minutes __________my dad’s house. So, I have two rooms. This is my mom’s room and my __________ room that I used to film in was my room in my dad’s. I kind of used to live in my dad’s __________, but now I live in my mom’s pretty much full time.
I am really __________ with like saving notes and like __________people write me. So, I have this box and I used to have a different box but I’ve got this one __________and it’s a lot __________. I’ve decided to move all my ________ in here. So, basically it’s filled with like cards and notes that people wrote me… __________ birthday cards and __________ cards and important letters… I just really like to safe __________. I am kind of a __________that.
Ever since 6th grade I’ve been __________. … Up until 8th grade pretty much all my __________ were pink and I dind’t really__________any other colours. And then at the 8th grade I __________I am going high school ______, I can’t just be wearing pink all the time. So, I like bought _____ colour clothes and kind of changed my room…. It’s such a __________ and it’s always been my favourite. If you just look __________ my room – there’s so many pink things like even these __________are pink.
I have allergies to pretty much everything — like I am allergiс to cats, dogs, horses, hay, pollen, mould, dust, birch trees, maple trees, oak trees… I am pretty much allergic to everything… I really can’t go anywhere without sneezing.People always ask me why I am sniffling because I really have bad allergies. I also have asthma but it’s not an extra fact – it’s kind of the same thing. I have an inhaler but I don’t use it that often.
About like 2 years ago when I was thirteen I was so short and I’ve been short pretty much all my life until like the past two years. So, what happened when I was thirteen I just started growing a lot and I grew like 7 inches in one year between the time when I was 13 and 14. So basically I was like less than 5 feet tall when I was 13 and then now I am 57 and a half. So, that caused a lot of hip problems for me – I also have like stretch marks on my hips. So, that wasn’t like really great, but I am really glad that I am tall now because people always used to make fun of me for beign short. So, it’s kind of cool and people are really surprised when they see me if they haven’t seen me in a few years.
My parents are actually divorced and they got divorced like 2 years ago. So, my mom moved out. She’s got a new house and it’s in the same town and it’s only like 5 minutes away from my dad’s house. So, I have two rooms. This is my mom’s room and my other room that I used to film in was my room in my dad’s (house). I kind of used to live in my dad’s full time, but now I live in my mom’s pretty much full time.
I am really obsessed with like saving notes and like cards that people write me. So, I have this box and I used to have a different box but I’ve got this one for Christmas and it’s a lot cuter. I’ve decided to move all my stuff in here. So, basically it’s filled with like cards and notes that people wrote me… a buch of birthday cards and Valentine’s Day cards and important letters… I just really like to safe this stuff. I am kind of a freak about that.
Ever since 6th grade I’ve been obsessed with pink. … Up until 8th grade pretty much all my clothes were pink and I dind’t really wear any other colours. And then at the 8th grade I just decided I am going high school next year, I can’t just be wearing pink all the time. So, I like bought different colour clothes and kind of changed my room…. It’s such a girly colour and it’s always been my favourite. If you just look around my room – there’s so many pink things like even these note cards are pink.
AllthatGlitters21 – Elle:
- What is one of Elle’s traits а character?
- What does Elle do in restaurants?
- Does she collect anything?
- What cars does she prefer?
- Is she afraid of anyhting?
- What was strange in her childhood?
- Does she have any pets?
- She is very habitual. If she has a favourite food she wants to eat it every day for lunch. If she has a favourite song she wants to listen to it every single day on repeat.
- She still orders kids meals at restaurants and fast food places because she really likes the little toy that you get with them
- Yes. She is an avid collector.
- She likes black cars.
- She has a severe phobia.
- In her childhood she was often bitten by bees
- Yes, she has cats.
cupcakeonawire Sarah, родом из Детройта, живет в Лос Анджелесе:
When I read a _____ I like to ____ it and it’s not _______ that it _______ a new book. Like I like buying _______ books and going to the ______________and looking for great __________. I want to _______ all my favourite books, because one day I hope to have a room __________ ______ to all my and my husband’s favourite books. So, it will be like a little_______and you know with the floor-to-the-ceiling ______________ and maybe one of those big _____ that you can _______ but it really ____________ and there’s a hidden ______ inside and maybe like a _______ and a big ___ desk or smth – I don’t know – _____ and _____ like that. So I love reading and I love _________ books.
I love _________. I love making things ___ my ___ hands. And I am kind of like my _____ in that I get ____ one thing and I really ___ obsessed _____ doing it and I become pretty good __ doing __ and then smth else ______ my interest – so I move on. So far today I’ve done like ________, I’ve done crochet, I’ve done a polymer clay… I don’t know I feel like I constantly _____, but my one number one favourite craft is _______ making…
I love being ______. I love taking _______ baths. I love _________ my nails once a week at _____, but I do my own nails. Well, I guess it’s more about being girly and ___________ yourself that I love doing because it ______ you feel good. And it’s smth you can do ___________ what time of day it is.
I love cooking and more importantly I love ____________. And you can even ask my _________ I actually always keep a box of cake mix on hand with icing that usually has confetti or some other fun like little things in it… I love making _________because they are kind of like_________but better than pie because all the _________is on the top and it’s like… a cookie with a fruit _________. I love cooking and I love _________and making cupcakes. Something about making food and eating it makes me _________.
I lived in _________ for a year when I was_________. It was during my first year in _________ school. So I was about 6 years old and it was a pretty magical experience… we lived in a little _________ in a little _________ called Curry which is right outside of Edinburgh. So I went to the city a lot ____ the weekends. My dad taught _________. I’ve got a really _________ childhood experience out of it. I mean we had _________that faced the back of our yard because there was _________and… me and my little brother used to _________ it big handfuls of hay.
When I read a book I like to own it and it’s not necessarily that it has to be a new book. Like I like buying used books and going to the used bookstore and looking for great titles. I want to collect all my favourite books, because one day I hope to have a room specifically dedicated to all my and my husband’s favourite books. So, it will be like a little library and you know with the floor-to-the-ceiling bookshelves and maybe one of those big globes that you can spin but it really opens up and there’s a hidden part inside and maybe like a lounge and a big oak desk or smth – I don’t know – timeless and classic like that. So I love reading and I love collecting books.
I love crafts. I love making things with my own hands. And I am kind of like my mom in that I get into one thing and I really get obsessed with doing it and I become pretty good at doing it and then smth else picks my interest – so I move on. So far today I’ve done like felt crafting, I’ve done crochet, I’ve done a polymer clay… I don’t know I feel like I constantly transitioning, but my one number one favourite craft is jewelry making…
I love being girly. I love taking bubble baths. I love doing my nails once a week at least, but I do my own nails. Well, I guess it’s more about being girly and pampering yourself that I love doing because it makes you feel good. And it’s smth you can do no matter what time of day it is.
I love cooking and more importantly I love cooking dessert. And you can even ask my husband I actually always keep a box of cake mix on hand with icing that usually has confetti or some other fun like little things in it… I love making fruit crisps because they are kind of like a pie but better than pie because all the creamery stuff is on the top and it’s like… a cookie with a fruit on the bottom. I love cooking and I love baking and making cupcakes. Something about making food and eating it makes me feel good.
I lived in Scotland for a year when I was younger. It was during my first year in elementary school. So I was about 6 years old and it was a pretty magical experience… we lived in a little duplex in a little village called Curry which is right outside of Edinburgh. So I went to the city a lot on the weekends. My dad taught at the university. I’ve got a really priceless childhood experience out of it. I mean we had a pony that faced the back of our yard because there was a farm and… me and my little brother used to feed it big handfuls of hay.
Macbarbie07 – Bethany:
- Bethany is a well-organised person and she does everything on time.
- She is fond of dogs and cats.
- She doesn’t like to be in small places.
- She is very clumsy.
- She plays basketball.
- False
- not mentioned — She is fond of dogs, but she didn’t tell anyhting about cats.
- True
- True
- not mentioned — she plays rocket ball, but she didn’t tell about basketball.
I am probably the biggest _________ that you will _________. I am not even _______. I am such a big procrastinator like I use _______a lot a long time ago but I can usually _______and I kind of _______ when I was procrastinating but now it just smth that I do _______. Like if there’s smth – say _______. If I don’t want to do school work because I _______ – so if I don’t want to do schoolwork .. I am like.. like my mind just naturally _____________to not do my schoolwork. So, I don’t know it’s just like really-really _______ … So, I procrastinate a lot and I need to __________ that because ________________ is not good because school is really-really _________.
I love ________ so much. Like dogs are like my ____. I have a really___________ dogs… this dog is you _____ her _____ she will love you forever. She is so cute.And she is really long…. I just really-really love dogs. I know a lot of people like dogs – so it’s probably not that _______ but I do know a lot of people that are ____________ dogs and I love them. I mean I love all animals but dogs are like my favourite.
I am so _________ – and when I say _________ I mean terrified – of _________. I’ve been _________ elevators ___ pretty long time ___…. I don’t like being in ____ places and elevators are just like ______. I always get scared when I get there in the elevator and it gonna _________it’s just gonna stop and I will be ____ in there. I’ve had that _____ for a really long time. If I have a _______ between _____and an elevator, I will _______ the _____… If I have to walk up like 10 ______ stairs I will do it, because I do not _____ elevators. I don’t know I just get really scared especially if it’s ______ like there’s a _______ of people in there that ______ it so much worse because I don’t know I’ve got like _____ too so I don’t know I just _____elevators. It’s awful for me. That’s ____of my ____ fears.
I am ________ myself – like I am always ______things or ______ things or things are ________ on me. Like I have so many _________ and _________ on me right now. I _________ you could say it just means that I _________ which I am pretty _________. So, I just have so many _________ on me and so many bruises.. I literary like always _________ smth. SO, yeah – I am really-really clumsy. … Even ever since I was little I always had _________ were all _________ up.
I play _________.
I am probably the biggest procrastinater that you will ever meet. I am not even kidding. I am such a big procrastinator like I use to procrastinate a lot a long time ago but i can usually control it and I kind of realise when I was procrastinating but now it just smth that I do naturally. Like if there’s smth – say school work. If I don’t want to do school work because I am homeschool – so if I don’t want to do schoolwork .. I am like.. like my mind just naturally thinks of excuses to not do my schoolwork. So, I don’t know it’s just like really-really bad… So, I procrastinate a lot and I need to work on that because procrastination is not good because school is really-really important.
I love dogs so much. Like dogs are like my thing. I have a really big thing for dogs… this dog is you wrap her stomack she will love you forever. She is so cute.And she is really long…. I just really-really love dogs. I know a lot of people like dogs – so it’s probably not that random but I do know a lot of people that are terrified of dogs and I love them. I mean I love all animals but dogs are like my favourite.
I am so terrifed – and when I say terrified I mean terrified – of elevators. I’ve been scared of elevators for pretty long time now…. I don’t like being in small places and elevators are just like awful. I always get scared when I get there in the elevator and it gonna break down it’s just gonna stop and I will be stuck in there. I’ve had that fear for a really long time. If I have a choice between stairs and an elevator, I will take the stairs… If I have to walk up like 10 flights of stairs I will do it, because I do not like elevators. I don’t know I just get really scared especially if it’s full like there’s a bunch of people in there that makes it so much worse because I don’t know I’ve got like asthma too so I don’t know I just hate elevators. It’s awful for me. That’s one of my big fears.
I am always hurting myself – like I am always running into things or dropping things or things are falling on me. Like I have so many scars and bruises on me right now. I guess you could say it just means that I am clumsy which I am pretty clumsy. So, I just have so many cuts on me and so many bruises.. I literary like always bumping into smth. SO, yeah – I am really-really clumsy. … Even ever since I was little I always had my knees were all scratched up.
I play rocket ball.
missglamorazzi – Ingrid:
1. I ________ myself a pretty ________ person. I normally don’t ________ without ________about them. I don’t really ________ horoscopes and things of that nature. I’ve just always been that way. I’ve been someone who just always ________ things but there is really ________ thing that I do and I’ve been doing it ever since I ________. It’s when I am ________house. It only ________ at my parents’ house. If all ________downstairs ________. And I am ________. I am the only downstaris and I ________go upstairs and there are no lights on .. I have to ________ the stairs because I feel like something is ________or something is ________ me like a ________…. Ever since I was a little kid I just thought that this monster will gonna be chasing me ________, so I have to run ________I possibly can and it makes ________of what’s so ever and I know it’s ________ crazy but I just ________ to do it. So everytime I am downstaris in ________ I have to sprint up the stairs.
2. I don’t like ________ and I know that is ________ for a lot of people out there. I am sure a ________you guys love ________ but this is just my personal opinion. ________ I don’t really enjoy ________books in that kind of ________. I like books that are ________, ________ books- just things of that nature – I know it’s really ________ but I really am like a ________. I love reading books on biology, evolution, just all of that stuff of ________ — I am really really interested in those ________– and also the ________ of religion. so, I tried ________ Twilight because I do like ________ books and I love ________ series. I think it’s absolutely one of the ________ out there and it’s really ________ and you get ________ the story. But I tried reading Twilight. I actually ________ the first two books because ________ was saying how great they were. So, I bought the first two books thinking that I would really ________ the first one and read and being to read the second one. And ________it was like ________ trying to read the first book. The only ________ why I finished it is because I do not like ________ book or starting to read a book and then ________ unfinished. So ________the only reason why I finished it. It’s just because I ________ finish it. But I just could ________. Oh, Gosh. It was like ________ for me to read that book. I just ________it was well written. It’s not something I am ________. I mean I do like ________ but I don’t know it’s just wasn’t my ________. so, if you like twilight that’s completely fine. I don’t have ________people that love the Twilight series. I’ve seen the ________ and I have a problem with ________the movies. It’s just I don’t love it like other people do.
3. I have really enjoyed playing ________ ever since I was a little kid. And when I say I like to play video games I mean I ________in my room,________the curtains, ________ the door – so it’s completely ________in my room and I have this________chair that I sit in. I ________the TV and I will sit in my room all day. No ________. All day. From morning till when it’s dark probably till “o v” hours in the morning and I will play video games. I will sit there and________a game in the morning and take ________it takes to finish it. and my ________ thinks I am a very ________ person. she says that ________ she thinks I should have been born a boy. And I kind of ________ with her in some ways because I was.. when I was younger I was very ________. Yeah but anyways,________ the videogames – so I pretty much make my room like a little ________ slash layer – and I will just go crazy. And I will play my ________ all day. and the most ________ part is that one of my favourite game series is Spyro the Dragon. I know that is so________ but I ‘ve been playing that game ever since the first one came out when I was a young ________ and I had a ________, the very first playstation that ever came out. And I’ve played every ________since then. So, it’s kind of like ________ and a lot of my friends don’t even ________ about it. So, I am kind of ________with my video game love.
4. I have never ________ a single ________ in my ________life and that means no sigarrettes, no marijuana, no cocaine – nothing, absolutely nothing and I dind’t have a ________ of alcochol until after I finished ________and I was in ________actually. so, that was just a ________personal choice for me. I have nothing against people who do like to________ and who do enjoy ________. I think that it’s just a personal decision and mine wasn’t really ________any kind of ________ or anything. It was just who I am. I’ve just never been someone who likes ________to party and go to clubs and________. I’ve just always been a very reserved, kind of calm, even tepmered, I-like-to-be-alone type person.
1. I consider myself a pretty rational person. I normally don’t do things without thinking about them. I don’t really believe in horoscopes. and things of that nature. I’ve just always been that way. I’ve been someone who just always questions things but there is really irrationtal thing that I do and I’ve been doing it ever since I was a child. It’s when I am at my parents’ house. It only happens at my parents’ house. If all the lights downstairs are off. And I am downstaris. I am the only downstaris and I have to go upstairs and there are no light on .. I have to sprint up the stairs because I feel like something is chasing me or something is behind me like a monster…. Ever since I was a little kid I just thought that this monster will gonna be chasing me up the stairs, so I have to run as fast as I possibly can and it makes no sense of what’s so ever and I know it’s completely crazy but I just continue to do it. So everytime I am downstaris in the dark I have to sprint up the stairs.
2. I don’t like Twilight and I know that is like shock for a lot of people out there. I am sure a lot of you guys love Twilight but this is just my personal opinion. Personally I don’t really enjoy reading books in that kind of genre. I like books that are science-related, philosophical books- just things of that nature – I know it’s really weird but I really am like a huge nerd. I love reading books on biology, evolution, just all of that stuff of religion — I am really really interested in those topics – and also the lack of religion. so, I tried reading Twilight because I do like fiction books and I love Harry Potter series. I think it’s absolutely one of the best series out there and it’s really well written and you get absorbed in the story. But I tried reading Twilight. I actually bought the first two books because everybody was saying how great they were. So, I bought the first two books thinking that I would really like the first one and read and being to read the second one. And honestly it was like torture trying to read the first book. The only reason why I finished it is because I do not like reading a book or starting to read a book and then leaving it unfinished. So that is the only reason why I finished it. It’s just because I had to finish it. But I just could not. Oh, Gosh. It was like slow torture for me to read that book. I just don’t think it was well written. It’s not something I am interested in. I mean I do like romance stories but I don’t know it’s just wasn’t my cup of tea. so, if you like twilight that’s completely fine. I don’t have any things against people that love the Twilight series. I’ve seen the movies and I have a problem with seeing the movies. It’s just I don’t love it like other people do.
3. I have really enjoyed playing video games ever since I was a little kid. And when I say I like to play video games I mean I close the winds in my room, draw the curtains, close the door – so it’s completely dark in my room and I have this leather chair that I sit in. I pull it up to the TV and I will sit in my room all day. No joke. All day. From morning till when it’s dark probably till “o v” hours in the morning and I will play video games. I will sit there and start a game in the morning and take however long it takes to finish it. And my mom thinks I am a very strange person. She says that sometimes she thinks I should have been born a boy. And I kind of agree with her in some ways because I was.. when I was younger I was very boyish. Yeah but anyways, back to the videogames – so I pretty much make my room like a little dungeon slash layer – and I will just go crazy. And I will play my playstation all day. and the most embarassing part is that one of my favourite game series is Spyro the Dragon. I know that is so lame but I ‘ve been playing that game ever since the first one came out when I was a young kid and I had a playstation the very first playstation that ever came out. And I’ve played every single game since then. So, it’s kind of like my guilty pleasure and a lot of my friends don’t even know about it. So, I am kind of in a closet with my video game love.
4. I have never done a single drug in my entire life and that means no cigarrettes, no marijuana, no cocaine – nothing, absolutely nothing and I dind’t have a drop of alcochol until after I finished high school and I was in Europe actually. so, that was just a personal choice for me. I have nothing against people who do like to do drugs and who do enjoy drinking alcochol. I think that i’s just a personal decision and mine wasn’t really based on any kind of religious beliefs or anything. It was just who I am. I’ve just never been someone who likes to go out to party and go to clubs and things of that nature. I’ve just always been a very reserved, kind of calm, even tepmered, I-like-to-be-alone type person.
Автор: Elena
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на самом деле это первый комментарий, не люблю я это дело, но не могу н сказать автору спасибо, для меня, как для переводчика абсолютно бесценный опыт..
слишком быстро (((( можно по медленей ..
Thank you very much! It is a interesting videos and helpful article.
Спасибо большое за такие примеры! Мне очень понравилось слушать, потому что это живая речь, такая же как и нас, когда мы говорим. ( А мы не всегда выражаемся грамотно, к сожалению) я нашла огромное количество ее блогов на YOUTUBe, теперь смотрю каждый день, и все лучше и лучше ее понимаю!! Тем более интересно чем люди живут? чей язык мы учим))
мне понравилось, милые девушки и простой английский….+
спасибо за видео! прочитала комментарии…конечно, каждый по-своему прав. Но, к сожалению, у американцев «более интересных» людей не найти. они такие, u know)
я преподаю именно американский вариант английского языка, поэтому для меня важно показать студентам не RP, а вот такой английский. попав в Америку 6 лет назад, я сразу поняла — нас совсем не тому учили…)
по-моему, уроки, действительно, хорошие. Лично я именно такое искала. Реальные люди носители языка. Лексика современная, живая. Продолжайте в этом духе! Вы лучшие!!!!
Я хочу спросить, как узнать, что значат непонятные слова, если я даже не знаю как они пишутся?