О детях на английском (идиомы и видео)
- 06.03.2012
- Сообщение от: Елена Амерханова
- Категория: Словарный запас

Children make you want to start life over. ~Muhammad Ali
You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance. ~Franklin P. Jones
Удивительно, но несмотря на то, что тема “Семья” поднимается часто (почти в каждом учебном пособии на каждом уровне), многие испытывают трудности, когда им в реальности нужно поддержать разговор о детях.
Дело в том, что большинство пособий рассчитано на детей и подростков, а не на взрослых, которые уже имеют детей и хотели бы о них поговорить. Быть может, в этом кроется причина того, что даже студенты с уровнем upper intermediate или advanced иногда вдруг осознают нехватку слов, когда им нужно рассказать о детях.
Итак, в этой статье вы найдете устойчивые фразы о детях, а также упражнения на аудирование, в том числе и сенсационные видео ролики, которые удивили в свое время миллионы людей в США и по всему миру.
Идиомы и фразы (примеры взяты с сайта thefreedictionary.com):
- the baby blues – послеродовая депрессия. According to this article, as many as 60% of women suffer from the baby blues.
- Monday’s child is fair of face – поговорка – рожденный в понедельник хорош собой. Joan is so pretty, she must be a Monday’s child. Monday’s child is fair of face.
Monday’s child is fair of face,
Tuesday’s child is full of grace,
Wednesday’s child is full of woe,
Thursday’s child has far to go,
Friday’s child is loving and giving,
Saturday’s child works hard for a living,
But a child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is blithe and bonny, good and gay.
wet the baby’s head – выпить в честь новорожденного. He couldn’t wait to get home to wet the baby’s head. We bought some champagne to wet the baby’s head.
- child is father of the man/ child is father to the man – характер закладывается с детства – у человека будут те же черты характера, какие у него были в детстве. In Bill’s case, the child was father of the man; he never lost his childhood delight in observing nature.
- spare the rod and spoil the child. – /Пожалеешь розгу- испортишь ребенка. Jane: How can you allow your little boy to be so rude? Ellen: It distresses me to punish him. Jane: l understand that, but spare the rod and spoil the child.
- a latchkey child/kid (американизм) — ребенок работающих родителей (имеющиий ключ от кв/дома, ребенок с ключом на шее. My dad came home at seven in the evening and my mom only an hour earlier so I was a latchkey kid.
- to be with child – быть беременной. She went back to her parents’ home when she discovered she was with child.
- He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin. – Тот, кто хочет жениться, должен понравиться матери будущей невесты. Harry: I think I want to marry Gina. Bill: Don’t propose to her until you’re sure her mother is on your side. He that would the daughter win, must with the mother first begin.
- Like mother, like daughter/ like father, like son- Яблоко от яблони не далеко падает. Jill: Gina’s beautiful. Jane: Like mother, like daughter; her mother’s gorgeous, too. I think my son will grow up tall, just like his father. Like father, like son.
Baby Vocabulary exercises:
- languageguide.org – baby vocabulary с озвучкой и картинками
- Newborn children’s clothing 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 – словарь с аудио и текстовыми объяснениями и картинками
- Children’s CLothing, Part 2
- about.com – упражнение – вставить слова из списка в текст.
Reading exercise:
How to Talk with Babies – статья о том, как говорить и научить говорить детей
- talktoyourbaby.org.uk – сайт, посвященный тому, как научить детей говорить с аудио, видео советами
- ello.org – упражнение для аудирования на тему Baby Stuff- вещи, которые нужны младенцу.
- Should mothers stay home with children? – видео урок с упражнениями на тему должны ли мамы быть с детьми дома
- Putting the Children to Bed – подкаст с транскриптом об укладывании детей спать
- Having Well- and Badly-Behaved Children – esl подкаст про послушных и непослушных детей
1. Dr. Harvey Karp – The Happiest Baby
One thing I am not looking _________to about ______ are the __________nights. Luckily the _________to stars like Madonna, Pierce Brosnan and Michele Piper says that he has the _________ to getting your kids to _________ and video to prove it. Please welcome the author of “TheHappiest Baby on the Block” and “The Hapiest Toddler on the Block” – Dr Harvey Karp. Dr. welcome. Alright. You know I have a lot questions for you. I am gonna start with the first 6 weeks – how much sleep does the baby actually need during that time?
-You know in the _________ babies sleep about _________a day but not in a _________ of course – that’s what is_________– it’s like living in Las Vegas _________ – day and night don’t _________ anymore. It’s little trips and traps of sleep – maybe an hour or _________, three hours at the longest.
— Ok. You _________me that U’ve just _________ it to casino.
— Which means that you only sleep 2 or 3 hours at _________.
— Yeah, day and night kind of _________their _________.
— Profi! Ok. So, I watched your DVD _________and you have this _________ (You guys are gonna _________when you see how quickly does it works) It is called the _________, correct?Can you just _________those steps because I think everyone will really really want to see this.
— Well the key _________ which is – it’s gonna sound _________when I tell it to you, but the_________ is that in a some way the _________are _________ 3 months too_________– it’s not that you should keep your babies _________for 12 months, but babies are not reallly _________ for the _________. Theay are not like cats or _________- they can run from their first days of life. Our babies are really _________ by comparison.
-So _________them like there are still in there.
-_________ right. Which means that you _________ the _________ that they had in the uterus.
-Like what?
-I am gonna get there, but one thing but it does… babies have _________or the calming reflex. It’s like an _________ for crying. So when you learn _________things you can take a _________baby and _________that baby in a minute _________ even in seconds.
-Tell me _________!
-So there are _________for _________on this _________ or the 5 S’s. So the first ‘S’ is _________ – that’s _________ your baby with it’s arms down and it’s pretty _________. It’s called the _________because it’s down-up, down-up. So the first wrap is down.
-Down. Got it.
The second wrap is up. The next wrap is down… Just it’s tiny there.
-You seem _________. If that baby was _________ I’m not gonna be calm _________.
-You know you _________because when you learn _________you know you’ll _________in a minute so it’s not a problem.
One thing I am not looking forward to about motherhood are the sleepless nights. Luckily the pediatritian to stars like Madonna, Pierce Brosnan and Michele Piper says that he has the secrets to getting your kids to sleep and video to prove it. Please welcome the author of “TheHappiest Baby on the Block” and “The Hapiest Toddler on the Block” – Dr Harvey Karp. Dr. welcome. Alright. You know I have a lot questions for you. I am gonna start with the first 6 weeks – how much sleep does the baby actually need during that time?
-You know in the beginning babies sleep about 14 hours a day but not in a row of course – that’s what is hard – it’s like living in Las Vegas casino – day and night don’t matter anymore. It’s little trips and traps of sleep – maybe an hour or two, three hours at the longest.
— Ok. You scared me that U’ve just compared it to casino.
— Which means that you only sleep 2 or 3 hours at a time.
-Yeah, day and night kind of loose their meaning.
— Profi! Ok. So, I watched your DVD last night and you have this method (You guys are gonna die when you see how quickly does it works) It is called the 5 S’s, correct?Can you just walk us through those steps because I think everyone will really really want to see this.
— Well the key element which is – it’s gonna sound weird when I tell it to you, but the idea is that in a some way the babies are born 3 months too soon – it’s not that you should keep your babies inside for 12 months, but babies are not reallly ready for the world. Theay are not like cats or horseы- they can run from their first days of life. Our babies are really immature by comparison.
-So treat them like there are still in there.
-Exactly right. Which means that you immitate the experience that they had in the uterus.
-Like what?
-I am gonna get there, but one thing but it does… babies have a reflex or the calming reflex. It’s like an offswitch for crying. So when you learn how to do these things you can take a crying baby and calm that baby in a minute sometimes even in seconds.
-Tell me how!
-So there are 5 steps for turning on this reflex or the 5 S’s. So the first ‘S’ is swaddling – that’s wrapping your baby with it’s arms down and it’s pretty snug. It’s called the D.U.D.U wrap because it’s down-up, down-up. So the first wrap is down.
-Down. Got it.
The second wrap is up. The next wrap is down… Just it’s tiny there.
-You seem very calm. If that baby was crying I’m not gonna be calm swaddling.
-You know you will because when you learn how to do this you know you’ll calm your baby in a minute so it’s not a problem.
Tell what each of the 5 S’s means:
- Swaddle
- Side/Stomach
- Shushing
- Swinging
- Sucking
2. Priscilla Dunstan на шоу Oprah о языке младенцев.
- the secret language of babies
- a special gift – a photographic memory for sound
- was able to hear sounds others could not
- find smth confusing
- remembered everything that the teacher said without having to take notes
- to diagnose the illness all based on what she hears
- be able to pick up certain patterns in his cries and then remember what those patterns were
- there are 5 words that реун say the same reagrdless of race and culture
- tested her baby language theory on over 1000 infants around the world
- All babies around the world regardless of their race or nationality they are speak the same language
- All newborn babies communicate by using 5 universal sounds
- they seem to be very similar but after listening to them a few times you as a mother have to to learn identify what your baby is telling
- ‘Neh’ – hungry
- ‘Owh’ — [Au] – sleepy
- ‘Heh’ — discomfort
- ‘Eair’ [ea:] – lower gas
- ‘Eh’ – burp
- these words apply only to babies from 0 to 3 months cause then their language changes
- put Priscilla in a room with 8 new mothers and their babies
- diaper change, feed, check the clotheing, give them a bath
- breaks your heart – he is upset and you don’t know what he is upset about
- you want so much to be the one to comfort them
- she is trying to tell me smth and I cannot figure it out
3. Teaching Your Baby How to Speak
Your baby loves to listen to your ___ in uterus and learns the way it and _______ sound. For the first ______months post ________ though your baby will primarily rely on_____ to ___________ with you. However your little one is still _________ and ________ the language. And around to 4 to ____months your baby will start ___________and mimics speech through cooing and babbling. This baby babble won’t ______________but your infant will delight in _______ _________her tongue, palate, gums or ______ to make ________. At around _____ months you may ________ a few ________words like ‘mama’. But don’t get too ________yet your baby won’t _________ words with their _________ until closer to 10 or 12 ______ old. Around ____ months your _____ will learn to put words ______ to express a _____ like ‘want juice’. And between ____ and 20 months your____will learn ______at the rapidfire rate at about ___ per day! Note ______that you should ______to your _____immediately if ___baby is not ____in __________by 9 months or if those speaking skills become to deter a rate.
So, how can you _______ the journey to words and ____ easier on your ______? The good _____is that you ______ do so _________ – just by talking and_________ . _________ learn language by _________ it. So go light on goo-goo-ga-ga baby talk and _________ your _________ in _________ and thoughts. That doesn’t _________ that you need to read ‘_________ to your baby but do narrow your actions –_________ and ask questions. And don’t forget playtime – _________ , playing games and _________ help with language by making it fun. Of course _________ are not _________ , so neither should it be the_________ with your baby. Listening and _________ to your infant Shows that you are interested even if your little one is just babbling now and also teaches your little one the back-and-forth flow of conversation.
_________ don’t waste hours _________ about your baby _________ especially if you are raising your baby _________ sometimes it just takes a little bit longer for all the _________ together. Research shows that _________ raised in normal _________ environments learn to speak just _________ .
Your baby loves to listen to your voice in uterus and learns the way it and language sound. For the first three months post birth though your baby will primarily rely on crying to communicate with you. However your little one is still listening and learning the language. And around to 4 to 6 months your baby will start expressing sounds and mimics speech through cooing and babbling. This baby babble won’t make sense but your infant will delight in learning to use her tongue, palate, gums or teeth to make sound. At around 9 months you may recognise a few familiar words like ‘mama’. But don’t get too excited yet your baby won’t connect words with their meanings until closer to 10 or 12 months old. Around 18 months your infant will learn to put words together to express a thought like ‘want juice’. And between 18 and 20 months your child will learn words at the rapidfire rate at about 10 per day! Note however that you should talk to your doctor immediately if youк baby is not intersted in making sounds by 9 months or if those speaking skills become to deter a rate.
So, how can you make the journey to words and language easier on your infant? The good news is that you probably do so naturally – just by talking and listening. Infants learn language by hearing it. So go light on goo-goo-ga-ga baby talk and speak to your newborn in full sentences and thoughts. That doesn’t mean that you need to read ‘Anna Karenina’ to your baby but do narrow your actions – point obiects out and ask questions. And don’t forget playtime – singing songs, playing games and reading books help with language by making it fun. Of course adult conversations are not one-sided, so neither should it be the case with your baby. Listening and responding to your infant shows that you are interested even if your little one is just babbling now and also teaches your little one the back-and-forth flow of conversation.
Finally don’t waste hours frightening about your baby speech development especially if you are raising your baby bilingually sometimes it just takes a little bit longer for all the pieces to fit together. Research shows that healthy infants raised in normal emotionally stable environments learn to speak just fine.
4. How to Deal with a Toddler’s Temper Tantrum
Step 1 – _________the child from whatever is __________the __________. __________ the child’s __________ to anything else- a toy, a book or activity.
Step 2 – Remain __________and __________. Show the child you have __________of the __________. __________ the __________ with the child. __________ them you __________why they are __________.
If the __________ is older than 3 __________ the tantrum and __________that you will __________ when they can __________their normal __________
Step 4- __________ the child from the __________– whether it’s a family __________, a shopping __________or __________ store. __________the child and physically __________ them to the different __________. Reserve a __________area where the child can go to __________
Step 5- Always be __________ with your __________. Never __________ to an __________child or your child will soon __________ your __________.
Did you know? As of 2008, __________in public schools was still __________ in 21 states and used __________in __________.
Step 1 – Distract the child from whatever is causing the frustration. Draw the child’s attention to anything else- a toy, a book or activity.
Step 2 – Remain calm and collected. Show the child you have control of the situation. Discuss the situation with the child. Show them you understand why they are upset.
If the child is older than 3 ignore the tantrum and explain that you will listen when they can use their normal voice
Step 4- Remove the child from the scene – whether it’s a family gatehring, a shopping mall or grocery store. Take up the child and physically remove them to the different surrounding. Reserve a time-out area where the child can go to calm down
Step 5- Always be persistent with your actions. Never give in to an unruly child or your child will soon rule your home.
Did you know? As of 2008, spanking in public schools was still legal in 21 states and used frequently in 13.
5. Dr. Harvey Karp about Temper Tantrums
1. Why do children have temper tantrums?
2. What does Dr Harper say about two year olds?
3. What is the most common mistake parents do when they deal with tantrums?
4. What is the best way to cope with tantrums?
1. The real key about toddlers is that their brain is immature but especially the left part of the brain and that’s the judgement, good language and logic center. They are all about emotions and impulsivity. So the best way to think of toddlers is that they are uncivilized. In fact your job as a parent is to civilize them – say please and thank you, don’t pee anywhere you want, etc.
2. Two-year- olds are just learning the rules. That’s the age of learning. They start to organize toys. They put the dolls and things like that. They start to learn the rules but it doesn’t mean thew follow the rules.
3. When you are very emotional you want smb else to care and understand and the way we show the care an understanding is not what we say but it’s the way we say it. Parents usually use their normal calm tone and tell smth unemotionally.
4. You should show with emotion and empathy that you care and understand.
От всей души желаем вам и вашим детям здоровья и счастья!
Автор: Elena
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