Helen Krystallis

Helen is a certified ESL-EFL teacher from Ireland, who lives in Greece. She holds an honors Degree (B.A.) in English Language & Literature, as well as LCCI International Qualifications (Distinction) in Further Certification for Teachers of Business English.

Helen has been teaching English for more than 35 years. She teaches all components of the English language to a range of ages and educational backgrounds. Helen tailors her lessons to student’s needs with an emphasis on their weaker areas. She is very dedicated to her work and her students and can always motivate students to work towards achieving their goals.

She has also gained accreditation as an English Language Examiner for Major Examination organizations in Greece. Most of her teaching has been preparation for:

  • the Cambridge exams (more than 12 years): KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE.
  • Michigan Examinations (more than 5 years): BCCE, ECCE, ALCE, and MCPE.

She also has experience preparing for IELTS.

6 отзывов

  • Хочу поблагодарить мою преподавательницу Helen Krystallis, с ней я сдала FCE и вступительные экзамены в ВШЭ и МГУ. Если вы выбираете себе преподавателя, возьмите пробный урок с Helen и вы не пожалеете. Она доброжелательный и приятный человек, ответственный и опытный преподаватель. Мне нравилось, что я могла написать ей (когда были вопросы или просьбы) и во внеурочное время, она всегда отвечала, поэтому мы общались больше, чем 2 раза в неделю. Также она дает много материалов, у меня была подготовка в магистратуру на факультет психологии, так она находила специальные задания и учебники именно по моей специализации, и это очень помогло. У Helen индивидуальный подход к обучению (что очень важно), и самое, на мой взгляд, важное, она вдохновляет на изучение английского языка, после её занятий хочется читать книжки на английском, слушать аудиокниги, смотреть фильмы!

  • На протяжении почти полугода занимаюсь с преподавателем Helen Krystallis. Спасибо ей за весьма интересные уроки! Крайне интересный преподаватель, с которым интересно учиться, иногда можно с жаром обсуждать различные темы, далеко не всегда относящиеся к уроку. В беседах с зарубежными знакомыми я ощущаю, что мой разговорный уровень поднялся, и поднялся именно благодаря урокам с Helen!

  • I’ve been studying with Helen C. for a year already. During this time I’ve passed FCE with 1 point needed for C1 level. I have also taken an IELTS exam recently and I have got 7 out of 9 with C1 level finally. This is enough to study at any university overseas. Despite the fact that Helen can be very strict sometimes (if you are lazy, of course) she is also a great teacher and always helps you with your English and cheers up when you are about to give up. Moreover, everyone knows that speaking is a problem when you don’t live in an english-speaking country. Helen made me speak effortlessly, furthermore, lessons with a native speaker improved my listening skills. All in all, I’m very glad to have Helen as a teacher, so thanks Elf-english for that!

  • The choice of your teacher is not easy as it seems at first glance, especially if you have previous studying experience. By the time I first met Helen Krystallis I have been studying English online for 4 years, taking group and private lessons. Having a burning desire to improve my language skills, I decided to prepare for the CAE exams because, in my opinion, the program for the Cambridge Exams gives a great opportunity to gain deep language knowledge.
    However, despite my eagerness in setting my goals and following them, I had many problems related to language learning. It looked like I was at the parting of the ways. I really needed professional guidance. Together with Helen, we started to work very hard focusing on my problems. Like for many advanced learners, my stumbling block was the Use of English part of the exams. Apart from doing a great number of exercises, we read many texts and after reading, Helen insisted on retelling them. It was the most interesting task for me, because it helped me to keep in mind all these grammar structures, idioms and steady collocations.
    Without doubt, the most favorite part of our course was writing. Every piece of writing, whichever genre it was not only corrected, but discussed. To cut a long story short, despite the fact that Helen is a very busy person, she has a wonderful talent to keep an eye on everything. Individual approach is a corner stone of her teaching method. Furthermore, she takes everything very close and personal. Personality traits and vocational skills for her are inseparable ideas. As for me, I have never had such painstaking problems as the choice the course book or asking more and more about extra grammar exercises. Helen has always been a person who looks into the problem and is ready to help.
    On June 6, I took the CAE exams. We both are looking forward to my results which are to be on July,17. Nevertheless, I have to admit that we did a great job and now we have the plans for the future. I firmly believe that I’ve found a right teacher for me.

  • Я очень благодарная своему преподавателю Helen Krystallis. :)
    Она была моим преподавателем по подготовке к экзамену IELTS. Занятия были очень интересные, веселые, но главное ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ! То, что до меня донесла Helen за тот небольшой промежуток времени, что мы занимались — не каждый преподаватель сможет.
    Могу сказать, что занятия и подготовка к ним были иногда трудны, но они принесли свои результаты.Благодаря ее занятиям я была отлично подготовлена к сдаче экзамена и вечно тяжелая для меня часть Listening — была на удивление легкой.
    Helen очень пунктуальный, открытый и невероятно добрый человечек. Она умеет найти подход и расположить к себе студента так, чтобы интерес не угасал на протяжении всего занятия. Желаю ей творческих успехов и достижений!
    Helen, God Bless You!

  • I’d like to share my impressions of lessons with Helen Krystallis. I’m studying with her almost 3 month, and sure that my English has improved. She is an absolutly great teacher. She gives me plenty of new phrases every lesson.
    I would highly recommend her to students who need to improve their writing and speaking skills for IELTS.

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