
Ewa is an experienced English teacher and attorney admitted to practice in Arizona, USA. She has been teaching English for over 16 years. Ewa has a Bachelor’s with Honors in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and a Master’s with Honors in English and American Literature. Ewa also holds a J.D. in Law from the GGU University in San Francisco. She is also a member of EULETA (The European Legal English Teachers’ Association ).

Ewa worked as an attorney in Arizona and has taught numerous ESL classes both in Europe and in the United States, including all language skills. Ewa worked as a member of the examination committee in a private college as well as a marketing and business school in Poland.

Ewa likes using a variety of teaching tools and creates personalized courses and programs for each student, according to one’s needs and aspirations. An avid language learner herself, Ewa enjoys helping others learn. Through her own learning-teaching experience she has developed an array of methods and techniques that she has found to be most effective. In addition to teaching all levels of General English, Ewa teaches Business and Legal English*. She prepares for TOEFL, ILEC, TOLES and IELTS, PET, FCE, CAE and CPE. She also gives Law courses. Currently, students can choose one of the online courses listed below or a combination of any of them.

Additionally, Ewa is also fluent in Polish and can speak some German and Russian. She currently lives in Germany where she works as an English teacher, translator and editor.

Ewa enjoys hiking with her dog, drawing, crafts, reading, learning foreign languages and writing. She has published several essays dealing with social and political issues.

*стоимость занятий с Ewa по курсу Legal English составляет 2100 рублей за академический час (45 минут)

22 отзыва

  • Ewa Lockard has been my teacher for about 4 years and I’m extremely grateful to her for all our classes which were always captivating and carefully planned. During our lessons Ewa usually combined different activities helping me to improve grammar knowledge and expand vocabulary while providing me with exciting articles from American and British press. She has also helped me to apply this new knowledge in our discussions on a great variety of different topics such as culture, politics, history, psychology, education, sport and many others.
    Ewa is a bright and broad-minded person with encyclopedic knowledge, and apart from improving my English, I’ve learned a lot of new interesting and useful things from her.
    Ewa is very attentive to details. She always pointed out and corrected my mistakes, which was extremely important to me as an English teacher myself.

  • I want to thank Ewa Lockard.
    Ewa’s ability to expalin difficult legal matters and at the same time control your english, explaining mistakes, is very important for me.
    Moreover, Ewa’s classes are based on the real legal cases, legal articles which is very useful for my legal vocabulary.
    Thank you Ewa!

  • I want to say thank you to my teacher of English — Ewa Lockard. She helped me to master Legal English, as I’m a lawer. Though I have a degree in English, I was absolutly unable to discuss any issue concerning my professional affairs. So the purpose was to extend my vocabulary and improve my speaking practice regarding my proffession. Her classes were not only a means of improving the language but also very informative on the whole. She is really a broad-minded person and I learnt a lot about American legal system. We analized numbers of cases and every time she tried to find something new and interesting.
    I would definitely recommend Ewa for everyone.

  • Хочу отставить положительный отзыв о преподавателе, с которым занимался почти два года — Ewa, на курсе Business English.

    У меня нравились наши занятия, готовился к каждому как к экзамену :)
    Ева очень внимательный и тактичный человек, с ней мы прошлись по огромному списку тем и здорово подняли мой разговорный уровень.
    У меня появилась способность воспринимать английскую речь на слух, я стал лучше разбираться в грамматике.
    По независящим от Евы причинам, я временно вынужден приостановить свои занятия английским с преподавателем.

    Спасибо за ваш сервис, непременно обращусь к вам снова!

  • I would like to say a couple of words about Ewa. She is the best teacher I’ve ever met! She helps expand your vocabulary, improve your grammar knowledge and the most important thing for me is that she corrects you all the time. She shows and explains your mistakes. It’s really important, because other teachers, and I had lots of them, just listen to you and sometimes correct you. It’s bad, because you learn the language in a wrong way. And another important thing – if you are preparing for an exam, she explains the speaking part, how describe pictures, what to say and how to say it in a better way. Believe me she is the best!

  • I am very thankful to Ewa Lockard for her business English lessons which were really enjoyable and extremely fruitful.

    My primary goal was to extend my vocabulary and to practice speaking, especially in business context, using a wide spectrum of business communication. At the first lesson Ewa suggested that I should focus mainly on speaking practice in order to develop my listening and speaking skills. Our lessons were fast-paced and included intensive dialogues intended to analyze a wide range of different areas ranging from business meetings to fair trade issues. Before every lesson I received from Ewa a well-structured material with new vocabulary and useful idioms. Such approach allowed me to apply newly learned collocations in our discussions. Therefore, lessons were diversified and multifaceted which enabled me to consider some situations from different perspectives and to discuss them.

    Ewa is very punctual and professional. She was extremely attentive to details. At the same time she never interrupted me and tried to correct only after I had finished my answer. This really helped me to feel how I can build sentences and to facilitate my progress. Ewa always gave very thorough explanations and provided me with outstanding examples from her practice.

    After a couple months of intensive lessons I enhanced my English skills and significantly extended my business vocabulary. I have also improved my written skills, including essay writing, business letters and proposals.

    On the whole, it was a perfect experience with a very professional teacher who showed me business English from different perspectives by means of creative methodology.

  • Anton (lawyer, Moscow)

    I had lessons with Ewa for more than half a year and those lessons were very interesting and useful for me and my work. Effectiveness of classes with Ewa were first of all based on her strategy. Ewa paid attention not only on vocabulary itself but also explained a lot of particulars of US law. For me this strategy was very important because it is always easier when you understand legal language along with real legal models and constructions. As a result of classes with Ewa I improved my understanding and speaking skills, now it is easier to contact with foreign colleagues. During classes with Ewa we reviewed a lot of real cases, documents, etc.

    I definitely recommend Ewa for lawyers, students and for everyone who interested in improving legal English.

  • В течение нескольких месяцев моим преподавателем была Эва. Из-за моей занятости мы занимались всего лишь 1 раз в неделю, но за этот час Эва давала столько информации, что от некоторых и за месяц не получишь. Эва невероятно пунктуальна и организованна. Ни одна минута не проходит зря. Занятия интересные. Эва компилирует несколько источников и за занятие вы успеваете позаниматься и грамматикой, и поговорить, и высказать свое мнение о той или иной ситуации. К тому же, она очень приятный собеседник.
    Мне особенно нравились грамматические упражнения и обсуждение каких-либо жизненных ситуаций. В настоящий момент, я значительно свободнее составляю предложения. Гораздо свободнее воспринимаю на слух английскую речь.
    Если вы хотите добиться результата, готовы работать над своим английским,выбирайте Эву. Вы будете довольны результатом!

  • I am very thankful to Ewa for her Skype Legal English classes and personalized approach. Ewa prepared for every our class and she used to combine the most effective methods and techniques of Legal English teaching. Ewa’s classes were very intensive and simultaneously contained the different types of exercises, like grammar, pronunciation, reading and understanding. Ewa used a variety of different materials for each aspect of Legal English learning. I was comfortable in classes with Ewa.

  • Занятия с Евой были для меня полезными. Особо хочется отметить ее пунктуальность, серьезный подход, ни одна минута урока не проходит зря. В качестве домашних заданий получила много ценной информации, которая нужна при сдаче экзамена IELTS.

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